

  • Lecturer: Jay Summet
  • Email: summetj [at] gatech[dot]edu
  • Teaching Assistant:
    Christian Battaglia
  • Email: cdbattaglia[at]gatech[dot]edu

Course Objectives

This course explores perceptual and technical aspects of photographs, and more precisely the capture and depiction of reality by computational means. The scientific and perceptual principles behind image-making will be emphasized.

Topics include image blending, optics & lens systems, filtering and smoothing images, edge detection, feature detection, transformations and warping of images, creating panoramas, high-dynamic range images, image morphing, and other techniques that will give students a new appreciation for the unique combination of computing and photographic media.

There are programming assignments in this class, and a basic working knowledge of Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability, and Programming in Python (e.g. CS 1301 / CS 1315) will be required. You will complete creative computational photography projects with a local theme during the semester.



Letter grade assignments are given according to the following cutoffs with no rounding:

  • 90.00 <= A <= 100.00
  • 80.00 <= B < 90.00
  • 70.00 <= C < 80.00
  • 60.00 <= D < 70.00
  • 0.00 <= F < 60.00

Grading Policies

There is no curve in this course. The grading breakdown is as follows:

Timely handling of grade disputes: Disputes of grading on assignments, homeworks, quizzes, etc must be discussed within one week of their return or posting.

Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory. You will begin the class with 280 points in the attendance category. Every day that you are not in class by the time attendance is taken, your attendance grade will drop by 10 points. If you email the instructor and TA before 11:55pm on that day and convince them that you have learned the material covered in class that day (from another student, independent research, etc) we may give you back between 0-10 points. The number of points of credit you receive will be based upon the completeness of your explanation of the material.

Late Work: You may submit late homework assignments by the the next day for a 10% late penalty deduction. Homeworks are not accepted after the next day without prior arrangements.

In class assignments are typically due before 11:55pm on the day they were assigned, with no opportunity for a late turn-in. (Most in-class activities will be completed in-class.)

Email Policy for this Course

Please try to use your official Georgia Tech email when sending email to us. It is more likely to make it through GaTech's spam filters, and we are unable to send email concerning grade issues to non-official email addresses. Please attach [cs4475] to the beginning of the subject of your email! Please also indicate who you are within your email. :)

Class management:
The class will make use of some of the features of T-Square ( Assignments will be submitted through T-Square in the "Assignments" tab. Emailing your assignments to the instructor or TA is unacceptable. Document format:
Written homeworks / papers should be submitted using PDF. Do NOT submit .doc, .docx, .txt. .odt, etc. In general, assignments should be written in 12 pt, Times-Roman font (or similar) and double spaced.

Include a header at the top of each file you turn in detailing the following information:

Academic Honesty

All students are expected to be familiar with and maintain Georgia Tech standards of academic integrity by giving proper credit for all work referenced, quoted, etc. Unless otherwise stated, all work is individual work by each student. This means that you are not permitted to look at code submitted by other students or by students who have taken this course in the past. Please review and be familiar with Georgia Tech's Academic Honor Code.

Course Expectations

  1. Lecture attendance is required.
  2. Keep up with the reading. Readings should be completed before class on the date indicated on the Calendar.
  3. Use the course Piazza forum wisely to have discussions about course material with your classmates and the TA. You are expected to follow good forum etiquette.
  4. Take responsibility for your course work submissions; it is your job to make sure that you successfully turned in what you meant to turn in. Be sure to verify your submission. This is how you make sure that you get credit for the work you do.
  5. Be prepared when you go to get help from a TA or your instructor. Bring your work with you.
  6. Take initiative. Begin your assignments early and if you think you need help, come prepared. Use the resources that are provided for you, and be determined to succeed from the start.

Policies are subject to change with notice from the instructor.