Summer 2015 Calendar
Week 1: Welcome, Python & OpenCV, Digital Images
- Course Textbook
- Installing Python (2.7) and OpenCV (2.4.X):
- Main OpenCV Website
- (Including Anaconda)
- On Windows: Download opencv-2.4.10.exe
- On a Mac: [Instructions 1] [Instructions 2]
- On Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-opencv python-scipy python-numpy
- OpenCV Documentation & Tutorials
- Tutorial
- API Documentation (For both C & Python, not all functions will have Python documentation...)
- Dual Photography [YouTube Video]
Week 2: Point Operations: Image Blending & Slicing
- Suggested Reading: Szelinski Section 3.1 - Point Operators
- Monday May 18th: HW1 - OpenCV & Python
- The GNU Image Manipulation Program [GIMP]
- Panoramas [Hugin]
- Image Blending using Numpy arrays
- Slicing & Dicing image regions
- Overlap Error
Week 3: Linear Filters: Correlation & Convolution
- Suggested Reading: Szeliski Section 3.2 - Linear Filtering
- Monday May 25th HW 2 - Camera Obscura
- Kernel Operations
- Smoothing & Separable kernels
- Gradients / Emboss
- Friday May 29th: Project 1
Week 4: Pinholes and Optics
- Pinhole Calculator
- Accidental Cameras
- Tuesday June 2nd: [Quiz 1] [Answers]
- Waterfall shutter speed and aperture comparison
- OpenCV and Processing Videos:
- Thursday June 4th: HW 3 - Gradients
Week 6: Frequency, Blending & Seam Carving
- Suggested Reading: Szeliski Section 3.5 - Pyramids and wavelets
- Separable filters and Is a filter separable?
- Size Reduction:
- - Sub-Sample
- - Gaussian Filter before sub-sample
- - Difference between Original and Gaussian blured version.
- oscar512.png
- Mosaics of Scenes with Moving Objects - James Davis - CVPR 1998.
- Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing - YouTube Video:Image Seam Carving
- Wikipedia: Seam Carving
- Dynamic Programming, Seam Carving, and Gerrymandering
- Tower Seamcarved
- Thursday June 18th: HW 4 - Blending
Week 7: Quiz & Image Features
- Suggested Reading: Szeliski Section 4.1 - Feature Detection: Points & Patches
- Tuesday June 23rd: Quiz 2 and Quiz 2 - answers
- ORB Feature Detection
- FAST corner detector
- BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features [Paper]
- Friday June 26th: Project 2 Due
Week 8: Transformations & Mesh Based Warping
- Suggested Reading: Szelinski Section 2.1.1 & 2.1.2 - 2D Transformations
- Affine and Projective transformations, how they break down.
- Suggested Reading: Szelinsky Section 3.6.2 Mesh-based warping
- Texture Filtering
- Michael Jackson - Black or White - Morphing Sequence
- Friday July 3rd: HW 5 - Feature Detection
Week 9: Panoramas & High Dynamic Range (HDR)
- Suggested Reading: Szelinski Chapter 9: Image Stitching
- Suggested Reading: Szelinski Section 10.2: High Dynamic Range Imaging
- What is Exposure Fusion, and how to do it
- Ron Rubinstein - Exposure Fusion website
Week 10: Stereo & Project 3
- Monday July 13th: HW 6 - Panorama
- Suggested Reading: Szelinski 11: Stereo correspondence
- Forced Perspecive with a static camera
- Forced Perspective with a moving camera
- Animated 3D gifs
- Trimensional 3D scanner for iPhone
- Photo Tourism: Exploring photo collections in 3D
- Google Maps of Colosseo in Rome
- Friday July 17th: Project 3
Week 11: Video
- Tuesday July 20th: Quiz 3 [Answers]
- Video Stabilization
- Video Textures
- Controlled Animation of Video Sprites [Project website]
- Cliplets: [Morris the cat] [Train Arrival]
- Panoramic Video Textures [project website]
- Wednesday July 22nd: HW 7 - Barcelona Photo Stich