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CS4475 Project 1


Steven Li, Stuthi Bhat, Raymond Liu, Victoria Choi

Project Overview

Our project implements different types of slide transitions in a few different functions. Given two input images of the same size, a start image and an end image, our project contains multiple functions that each generate a different transition between the two, including a sliding transition, a fade transition, a circle transition, a flash transition, and a split transition. The transition is generated as a set of images in a directory specified as a parameter in the method, which can be combined in a video editor to create a cohesive video.

Outputs: A video of the desired transition from the start image to the end image

Input Images

Here are the images we will use as an example. We placed a transition between each image and compiled them all into a video.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6

Output Video

Here is the output video. Enjoy!