Course Projects

Project 1

Past due. Under construction.

Project 2

The second project will be a team project on a topic/theme of the team’s choice. Students will work in small teams of 2-3 on the projects; the teams will be selfselected. The topic/theme of the project could be from any creative domain such as art, design, literature, music, science, etc. There will be four deliverables:

Deliverable Due Date Description Percentage
1 Feb. 22 1 page description of the topic/theme. 2%
2 Mar. 15 2-3 page description of the system/tool design. 5%
3 Apr. 3 5-6 page description of the system/tool; a working prototype. 10%
4 Apr. 30 10-12 page report on the system/tool and experiments with it; the final prototype. 20%